Featured Connery

Featured Connery

Featured Blazer

Featured Blazer

Featured Torii

Featured Torii


Living Room Collections

Minotti 2021 Seating Collections fuse the mastery of tradition with cutting-edge technology and an unwavering attention to detail.
Understated, refined and elegant, each design offers the epitome of comfort, and has been developed with an abiding and deeply held commitment to excellence.
An exceptional aesthetic identity and unrivalled comfort furnishing both residential and Hospitality settings with elegance and character.

These Seating Collections designed by Rodolfo Dordoni and Nendo, are as sophisticated and polished, as they are timeless.


Contemporary, with a strong architectural appeal and pure lines reminiscent of the Mid-Century American spirit, Connery has a distinctive personality also expressed in the pairing of original square and round chaise-lounges. The clever combination of fine materials and sophisticated details adds a hint of couture to its design.

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Blazer Collection

A virtuous combination of its design appeal, visible in the rigorous geometry of its volumes, and couture approach to craftsmanship, Blazer is one of the creations that best expresses the most authentic artisanal attitude of Minotti. with a contemporary look characterised by clean, minimal lines. the key feature of the design is the backrest with rounded internal corners, transforming the chaise-longue element with high backrest and armrest into a particularly welcoming alcove.

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Torii Collection

Airy, with constructive details linked to Japanese tradition, the Torii modular seats play with round edged volumes, thin profiles and the apparent formal simplicity of an extremely detailed design. The metal structure of the legs of the seats and tables is Nendo’s nod to the image of the “torii”, the entrance gate to Shinto shrines in Japan. With an interlocking game, the horizontal elements are laid on the vertical supports, ensuring a sophisticated visual lightness that accommodates the padded volume, characterised by couture craftsmanship.

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The Minotti Collection reflects the changes in the way we define the home environment and interprets a new approach mixing between shapes, materials, colors and architecture outdoors for the ideal Minotti home.

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